Training Programs: We currently offer the following training programs, which are MOE certified, director approved. Please click on the course title to view an outline and timetable for the course.
Swabbing and Unidirectional Flushing (.7 CEU)
Fire Hydrant Flow testing and Colour Coding (.6 CEU)
Watermain Commissioning (.7 CEU)
Valves (.7CEU)
Introduction to watermain Clamps and Couplings (.3 CEU)
Fire Hydrant and valve Maintenance (.7 CEU)
In addition, we offer consulting and hourly training services relating to water distribution system maintenance and repair, swabbing, pigging, flushing, and dechlorination procedures.
On-site hands-on Training programs on Flow testing and C-factor analysis are also offered.
Please contact Glen , , for rates, availibility, and course outlines
Combining over 50 years in the business, we can offer specialised advice on equipment design, and tooling for the Ontario market. Equipment for swabbing, flushing, dechlorinating, etc. Contact Marc, for information